Week 12 – Battle of the Foods

For the last week, rather than kicking back and finishing off work, I decide to go ahead and make another package as me and Lucy decide to create one last WinchXtra.

This for me is better than my Comic Con package in terms of scripting, editing, and filming. I am very proud of this piece of work.

In terms of the editing, I decided to go all out and not hold back, and I had a lot of fun in the process. I worked hard on the intro to manipulate the effects to come up the way I wanted them, especially the falling of the title words. I timed the images with the sound to create a much more clean-cut edit, where the visuals and audio actually worked together in harmony.

I felt I used sound well in terms of the sound effects and music. I wanted to take a much less serious tone with this package, and I feel I really get feature packages now. The only thing with the sound that was not up to scratch was to do with the raw footage, where you can hear Lucy’s laughter in the background throughout the package.

The quality of the footage is very crisp and there is a great use of natural light, and I feel my use of the rule of thirds was ideal.

The scripting and planning of the package as a whole seemed to come together nicely. I set out with a general idea, but not strict script, to I could take advantage of natural events – for example, the Bratwurst on the floor, and the Chocolate Kiss vendor’s incredible celebrations. I feel that with that kind of planning it allows room for a great amount of personality to seep in.

However, I do not stand behind the idea of going out and hoping for the best without researching into what you really want as the outcome. This was discussed during the debrief for the W2 Features Special – features is not totally separate from news, there are still the same principles of finding a story and following through with that. Features isn’t an excuse to create cute and fun packages, there is still an element of telling a story. For example, with this package, I identified that it was consistently French vs German foods, so I played on that and made sure that the interviews/vox pops had the right attitude to them.

The voice overs and scripting was meant to imitate the style of shows such as Come Dine With Me, with a sarcastic and conversational tone to carry the viewer through the package and tie together the different parts.

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