
Review of HP at Winchester

Review of HP at Winchester

I have been reading over some of Harry’s blog posts as I’m starting this year, and I have found his reviews very interesting. I particularly enjoyed how current and targeted he is towards people of a similar age group, which gives his posts great consistency!

I really like how he gives reviews on such a large range of things that, even though I may not be initially interested about, I found to be really interesting and I became more and more intrigued and wanted to read on.

Keep up the fresh opinions! And to the rest of you: don’t forget to come by the Winchester Journalism site!

2 responses to “Review of HP at Winchester

  1. Great stuff, well done Zeena. Enjoy the concert and see you tomorrow for your tutorial. And one last thing, would you mind linking to… thanks.

  2. Thanks for the review Zeena! You’ll go far kid 😉

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